2017 Goals

Education & Research


Publications in Preparation for 2017


Ayman Househam, Christine Peterson, Rudy Tanzi, Paul Mills, Deepak Chopra.

Meditation, Epigenetics, and the Human Microbiota.


Brief Report: Effects of a comprehensive residential mindbody program on sense of nondual awareness.

Paul Mills, Christine Peterson, Sheila Patel, Lizabeth Weiss, Rudy Tanzi, Deepak Chopra (possibly other SBTI co-authors)


Rudy Tanzi, Can Zhang, and SBTI investigators.

SBTI and Inflammatory biomarker data.


Steven Steinhubl and SBTI investigators.

Detection of the Individualized Physiologic Response to a Wellness Intervention Using a Wearable Sensor and Personalized Physiologic Analytics.


Kathy Wilson, Paul, Deepak, et al.

Dosha analysis and western psychological data


Elissa Epel and SBTI investigators.

SBTI and telomerase data.


Peterson CT, Schadt EE, Mills PJ, Tanzi RE, Doraiswamy PM, Chopra D.

The Structure and Function of the Human Gut Microbiome Following a Panchakarma-based Ayurvedic Intervention in Healthy Subjects.


Paul Mills, for the Chopra Center Newsletter.

Foundations of Wellbeing


Peterson CT and Chopra D.

The Prebiotic Effects of Ayurvedic Herbs on the Gut Microbiome.


Peterson CT, Denniston K, and Chopra D.

Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine.


Peterson CT, Mills P, Chopra D.

The Future of Ayurvedic Medicine.

Invited Commentary. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine.


Other Goals for 2017

  • Continue to support the ongoing research projects listed earlier in this report.
  • A group of us are planning a February 2016 trip to the Chopra Healing Center in Pondicherry, India to evaluate research opportunities there.
  • Continue discussion on a possible cancer immunotherapy trial with Dr. Oscar Segurado
  • Review several of the ‘orphan’ research projects we’ve received, including the PEMF Study with Rio Grande Neurosciences, the ultrasound project for mood with Stuart Hamerhoff, and Anirban’s sound healing work, to evaluate potential for implementing.
  • Continue to seek funding for the ICAN Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation, San Diego Cancer Research Institute, and UCSD.
  • Continue work to organize a conference at Harvard on traditional medicine systems
  • Continue to explore the feasibility of conducting a 21-Day Meditation Study with students at UCSD. Lizzy and Sheila and Paul had spent considerable time working with George Mason University to run this project but they decided two months ago not to proceed, so we have shifted our efforts to UCSD.
  • Further develop programming for the UCTV Wellbeing Channel, to include interviewing Deepak and Poonacha on the role of Jiyo to support wellbeing.
  • Help support the new ‘Emotional Healing/Wellbeing’ program being developed at the Chopra Center.
  • Advance efforts to assess burnout for healthcare providers attending Journey into Healing events.
  • Begin to analyze the Online Questionnaire data.
  • Examine and publish data from the Grounding Study that will be completed by mid-year.