Learning How to Live with Certainty in Uncertain Times

What makes a relationship right, or an important decision? How can you tell if deep spiritual questions have an answer? As children, we all asked these questions. They came naturally. Is there a God? Do I have a soul? What happens after I die? Children are too young to understand that their parents are just as confused as they are. But the answers are given, and for a time they suffice. If Grandma went to heaven to be with Grandpa, a child will sleep better and feel less sad.

When you grow up, however, the same questions return. You can postpone the deeper ones, perhaps, but not in matters of love, relationships, and personal decisions. Everyone wants to know the answers to those kinds of dilemmas. And thus you discover that your parents, however well intentioned, never showed you the way (unless you happen to be one child in a million who had very mature parents who could truly love and understand you). Published Oprah.com

The Mythology Of Science-Based Medicine

By Larry Dossey, Rustum Roy, and Deepak Chopra
The current healthcare debate has brought up basic questions about how medicine should work. On one hand we have the medical establishment with its enormous cadre of M.D.s, medical schools, big pharma, and incredibly expensive hospital care. On the other we have the semi-condoned field of alternative medicine that attracts millions of patients a year and embraces literally thousands of treatment modalities not taught in medical school. (more…)

Distinguishing Intuition from Random Thoughts

How do I identify the difference between a random occurring intuition and a mental thought (that is more of an interpretation)? I have been learning to quiet my mind using various methods, but somehow the static (mental noise – judgments, interpretations) keep coming back from the back door all the time and once I start dwelling on it, the noisy mind takes over. Is there a way to differentiate between true intuitions, creative thoughts and mental noise/static/dwelling on thoughts and judging the world in an unhelpful manner??
Thanks very much for your attention to answer this.

Daily Inspiration

Shiva brings pure consciousness to a sacred marriage. It invisibly makes every action an action of God. -Deepak Chopra

Coping With Caregiving

My husband is dying of cancer. I feel anger in my heart toward him due to constantly caring for him and lack of rest. I listen intently to your meditations and find solace. I have much guilt when I feel this way!!! Could you help me calm my heart so I can care for him with peace?