The Urban Yogis and Deepak

Deepak and Urban Yogis

Deepak and the Urban Yogis at Peace Week

Seven Practices of Peace (taken from Peace is the Way, by Deepak Chopra)

1. Sunday: Being for Peace

Today take five minutes to meditate for peace. Put your attention on your heart and inwardly repeat these four words: Peace, Harmony, Laughter, Love☺

2. Monday: Thinking for Peace

Today introduce the Intention of peace in your thoughts. Take a few moments of silence, then repeat this prayer: LET ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY, LOVED & PEACEFUL. LET THE WHOLE WORLD EXPERIENCE THESE THINGS.

3. Tuesday: Feeling for Peace

Today is the day to experience the emotions of peace. The emotions of peace are COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING and LOVE☺

Why Don’t We Know We Are Enlightened Already?

By Deepak Chopra, MD

“Enlightenment” is a word that has gotten so entangled with vague confusion that many people have given up on it. I don’t mean the classic seeker who hungers for God, Nirvana, or higher states of consciousness. There isn’t an accepted definition of enlightenment that allows for a general discussion where everyone knows what the topic is. Behind this apparent fuzziness, however, the concept of enlightenment has evolved tremendously over the past few decades, and in that time the possibility of being enlightened has come closer and closer to everyday experience.

Forty years ago enlightenment was inevitably associated with “Eastern mysticism,” a phrase that appears in the subtitle of Fritjof Capra’s famous book, The Tao of Physics. Meditation was associated with religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. Enlightenment was a spiritual attainment for Indian gurus or monks sitting in Himalayan caves. The fact that meditation is now a common practice in the West, with many research studies proving its benefits in terms of mind and body, shows how much the landscape has changed.

The next major change, which could bring a seismic shift in our worldview, would bring enlightenment into daily life the way that meditation is comfortably established in daily life. I’ll devote the next few posts to exploring how enlightenment affects everyone, not just a select few living under exotic circumstances. We can begin with the most obvious question you can ask yourself. Are you enlightened already?” This may seem at first like an almost absurd question. If there are ancient traditions for reaching enlightenment, a project that can take a lifetime’s effort and discipline, it must be impossible that a normal person going about his everyday life could already be enlightened. (more…)

Faith, Itself, Must Evolve in Our Modern World

Originally published by on September 21, 2015

Faith, Itself, Must Evolve in Our Modern World

By Deepak Chopra, MD

Photo Credit: Jacob Sciacchitano, Unsplash

Photo Credit: Jacob Sciacchitano, Unsplash

Like everything in human life, faith evolves—or not. Among the species on the planet in danger of extinction is the creature of simple faith, a person who accepts the supernatural reality upon which Christianity is based. Too many secular forces fight against simple faith; therefore, to counter the possibility of extinction, the faithful must evolve.

But in what direction? First is the movement toward faith based on compassion. Thanks to a Pope who embodies kindness and humility, and who has decided that the Church must speak out about worldly problems, it is foreseen that faith is on the rise. But this bump in popularity doesn’t resolve the central problem of how to hold one’s faith in an impossible world. (more…)

A Path to Personal Forgiveness: Defeat the Three Dragons

Originally published on LinkedIn on September 21, 2015

A Path to Personal Forgiveness: Defeat the Three Dragons

by Deepak Chopra, MD


This post is part a series in which Influencers and members discuss how to drive change that matters. Read all the posts here and write your own; include the hashtags #2030NOW and #ForgiveForPeace in the body of your post.

All of us, I feel fairly certain, believe that forgiveness is a positive quality. But the fact that religion has been the traditional basis for finding forgiveness has made it seem quite often that there’s something saintly, or at the very least unusually gentle, compassionate, and selfless in those who can forgive. Since the current project is to create a wave of forgiveness with a global reach, I think forgiveness needs to be brought down to earth.

To begin with, forgiveness comes at the end of a process, not at the beginning. In order to forgive yourself or another person, three obstacles must be overcome. Let’s call them the three dragons of judgment, anger, and blame. Each has had powerful effects in everyone’s life. Millions of people feel justified in clinging to their own dragons, and it takes conviction to realize that nothing about judgment, anger, and blame actually serves anyone’s self-interest.

Is Failure Necessary for Success?

Originally published by The San Francisco Chronicle on September 21, 2015


By Deepak Chopra, MD

In a society that places a high value on competition and winning, everyone wants to succeed. It becomes difficult to discuss failure, which somehow translates into personal weakness, lack, or vulnerability. I’d like to reframe the whole relationship between success and failure so that both become part of a single process: your personal evolution.


As you evolve and grow, certain conditions appear on the path, and as they do, some people feel a sense of failure while other people don’t. Yet in both cases, the same situation has occurred:


  • An obstacle or resistance is blocking the way forward.
  • A fear of inadequacy has undermined one’s confidence.
  • An outcome expected to be positive turns negative instead.
  • Support from people you counted on isn’t there anymore.
  • A manageable task starts to become overwhelming and unmanageable.
  • The work environment and/or key relationships become hostile.

Evolution never requires failure. Such situations are part of everyone’s life. What actually matters is your interpretation of what’s going on, and then your response based on this interpretation. Any situation, no matter how frustrating or challenging, can be interpreted as evolutionary. I don’t mean that you apply positive thinking to mask your fear and insecurity.
