Why Unpredictability Hurts, But Uncertainty Thrives

I doubt that there really is a Chinese curse that goes, “May you live in uncertain times,” but people do fear uncertainty. Look at the past ten days alone. Beginning with an oil spill approaching the Louisiana wetlands and popping noises coming from a black SUV abandoned in Times Square, ending with a Teetering Greece and a plunging stock market, the malaise of uncertainty has been especially severe. Wall Street hates uncertainty, reflecting everyone’s unease when the ground beneath their feet starts to shift. (more…)

Ask Deepak: Take Charge of Your Life

Each week, Deepak responds to Oprah.com users’ questions with enlightening advice to help them live their best lives.

Q: Every day I wake up and promise myself that I’m going to live each day to the fullest and not let my emotions or fears hold me back. I’m going to do that thing that I’ve been putting off, talk about that issue that has been eating away at me, but after bathing and having my (more…)

When “Things” Go Bump in the Mind

Recently I received a letter from a woman, happily married in her forties, who said that “things” have been happening to her all her life. What she meant by “things” is quite fascinating. She’d notice strange coincidences every day, such as having a word pop into her head and then the next minute hearing that very word being spoken on the radio. She also had funny sensations she couldn’t explain, such as a feeling of floating or a cold, prickling sensation, only to discover that someone close to her had gotten sick of died. (more…)

Yoga Belongs to All of Us

Although Prof. Aseem Shukla has got the bit between his teeth, I doubt that there’s much enthusiasm for his ideas. If there is a movement to return yoga to its Hindu roots, it speaks in a whisper. I’ve never encountered it in India. Having loaded his quiver, what target is Shukla firing at? Nobody is stopping Hindus from claiming yoga as their own. Christians can claim prayer as their invention if they want to. It wouldn’t make the claim less false — sensible people accept that prayer is universal. (more…)