Weekly Health Tip: At Holiday Time, Take a Moderate Approach

Brought to you by Deepak Chopra, MD,Alexander Tsiaras, and TheVisualMD.com

Which of the two stomachs shown above will yours resemble after Thanksgiving dinner? When we overdo it at the table, the stomach expands beyond its normal capacity, sometimes to the point of severe discomfort. Digestion slows, especially if the foods are high in fat. Even so, we manage to “find room” for that last slice of pie. This kind of eating has nothing to do with nourishment or sustaining life. Eating to the point of pain and pants-loosening is the result of our brain saying: “This food is good; better get it while we can!” Our brains evolved when food was scarce. (more…)

Mind Body Medicine: Using the Mind to Improve Health

As someone who trained and certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology over 35 years ago I began to see the connection between consciousness and biology. I was always puzzled that two patients with the same illness seeing the same physician receiving the same treatment could still have completely different outcomes. Many times we physicians would invoke genes to explain this mystery but we now know that even identical twins with the same genes can have different gene expression based on the choices they make in their life. (more…)

Prayer for Rustum Roy

Dear Friends,

Rustum is in our heart and our heart is a place of prayer. Please join me in praying for Rustum’s health.


When You Help Yourself, Which Self Are You Helping?

Americans are great believers in self-help, and with good reason. There are more tools for personal growth today than ever before. Books, seminars, weekend workshops, and support groups of all kinds flourish in abundance. Cynics decry this as a symptom of narcissism, the navel-gazing of the Me Generation. Actually, self-help spans all generations, and according to studies, around 75% of people who improve their psychological state do so, not with a therapist’s help, but by themselves. (more…)