Energy and Consciousness

If everything is energy, does all energy have consciousness?  Is consciousness limited to “entities”?  A rock is energy, it has Life Force, yes?  Is this the same as having consciousness?

Doing Service vs. Cultivating Prosperity

I so appreciate the wisdom you share with the world, and I loved “Renewal Weekend” in Colorado. I also went to see Amma last year (the “hugging saint” from India), and have been reading works by her.

There’s a difference in your two outlooks and I wonder if you could talk about it. She’s very clear that our focus in this lifetime should be service. She chooses to give up material comforts as part of this mission. You seem to invite a person to cultivate prosperity (if it’s done consciously).
I might be looking wrongly, but it seems like these two perspectives are at odds with each other. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

Life After Death

When your physical body passes, does your energy simply return to the One Source, becoming everything, and nothing, as your own consciousness merges with Go, or do you continue your spiritual journey in the eternal here and now with the ability to consciously merge and separate your Spirit with the choice to merge with God or to experience life in the spiritual or physical realm?

Letting go of the need to know

Back in December I found myself at the edge of desperation. After months and months of constant prayer I started to wonder if God does exist or if it was just an illusion that we cling to in order to survive. I happened to be at my mother’s house at the time to spend a few days during Christmas celebration. As I wondered about the existence of God I looked and guess what I saw on her bookshelf: How to Know God written by you. I felt a miracle had just occurred and that I would be able to find the answer(s).  I read and became absorbed by the book and many questions became clear. I returned to Oregon, my place of residence, and another miracle took place. I was shopping with my daughter, we were looking at books and a young man that I had never seen in my life said You should read that book as he pointed to A New Earth by Tolle, and then you should read this other one The Power of Now, unless you are a very religious person. I picked up the first book he suggested and a week later I purchased the other one.

I began to practice and meditate. I found your website and put the podcasts in my ipod. All these tools have given me much help and I am working on a daily basis to come out of the emotional turbulence that I find myself in at times.
My problem is: I used to date this man who one day stopped calling and taking my phone calls.  There are many details here and all I have hoped for is to know why. I’ve been in relationships in the past where I have been told: we should not see each other anymore, etc. That honesty made my life so much easier because I moved on and continued with my life without resentment nor anger. But not knowing? This has been like an emotional/psychological kidnapping and I am having a difficult time. Meditation after meditation, on a daily basis all I ask is to be free from this episode. I feel I have so many tools yet I feel so alone facing life and this particular task. I truly pray for this man that he may be well, that he does not lack anything and that he is happy. I work on forgiveness and I truly hold no anger anymore and if I catch myself feeling something negative towards him I immediately pray for good things for him.  But at times I ask that question Why? and I feel sad. It has been a year since the last time him and I spoke. I am not sure where to go from here and I hope you have a suggestion for me. I am really trying.

The basis for helping others

It has been years since my husband died and I’ve done so very well.  Yet, now I find that I’m stuck between wanting to move forward and just wanting to reach him and be there forever.  Not long ago I met someone who lost their wife a lot earlier than I lost my husband.  I found that when I talked to him and he looked at me, it was as if I was talking to my husband and he was looking back at me.  Someone suggested that it was the universes way of telling me that I could move on and I’ve been trying to look at it in those terms.  I’m a great believer in going with the flow, but I guess that experience has made me very impatient with myself.  I’m a wonderful essence and after having 43 years of a beautiful marriage I refuse to chase after happiness, but where I am now is intolerable……..

I know that helping others is a way out of this place, but if I can’t help myself, how in the world can I help others?  Friends who have lost a loved one have told me that all of this is normal, but I don’t want to be normal, I want to fly free and live and love again.