Who Controls Your Mind? (Hint: It’s Not Your Brain)



By Deepak Chopra, MD

One of the easiest bets to win is to offer a million dollars to anyone who can accurately predict their next thought.  It would be foolhardy to accept such a bet. As we all experience every day–and yet rarely notice–our thoughts are unpredictable and spontaneous. They come and go at will, and yet strangely enough, we have no model for where a thought comes from.


Deepak’s 2002 TED talk


Deepak Chopra speaks at the TED conference in 2002. Responding to Richard Dawkins’ earlier presentation on “Militant Atheism,” Deepak discusses the relationship between science and religious experience in understanding reality, as well as our evolving understanding of God and the divine.



Reply to Chris Anderson, TED and the TED Community: We’re Halfway There, But…

By Deepak Chopra, MD, Founder and CEO, The Chopra Foundation

Originally Posted on Huffington Post : 04/19/2013 10:10 pm

Dear Chris,

Thank you for clearing up some issues, particularly the confusion surrounding TEDx’s decision to take down or shift the talks by Sheldrake and Hancock. Actions speak louder than words, and the talks were removed from the website, followed by your letter warning TEDx organizers essentially not to repeat the same mistake again by inviting similar talks. To underline the point, TEDx withdrew its brand name from a West Hollywood event that was by no means filled with “goofballs” or “questionable” figures. (more…)

Dear TED, Is it “Bad Science” or a “Game of Thrones”?

Originally published on Huffington Post on April 18, 2013 at 8:51 am

By Deepak Chopra, MD. FACP, Stuart Hameroff, MD, Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D., Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D., Neil Theise, MD


One of modern science’s great strengths is that any questionable finding dies a quick death if it’s invalid. The safeguards are mainly two: Your new finding must be repeatable when other researchers run the same experiments, and peer review by qualified scientists subjects every new finding to microscopic scrutiny. So it surprised the millions of admirers of TED, whose conferences attract wide attention to new, cutting-edge ideas, when that organization decided to practice semi-censorship. (more…)