Toxic In-laws

I have toxic in-laws and mother. They say things that are hurtful to my children. They are just careless and do not take notice of what they are saying. They are also very negative about every thing. Its like having a black hole in the home when they come. They are all very Christian! My ideas are very different to theirs and they will simply not accept my different view. I have tried to be understanding but now my only solution seems to be to keep my children and myself away from them as much as possible. Do you have any suggestions?

Feeling Their Pain

I have been meditating regularly. I have monitored my emotions and tried correcting some behavioral patterns through meditation. During this deep introspection I have realized that I am highly intuitive and can feel the pain some other person is going through. This causes pain in me too and unhappiness that someone else is unhappy. In a way it is a blessing to feel someone’s pain but I find myself unable to offer help to the other person to rid their pain. This behavior restricts me from volunteering (I tried mentoring a teenager but I fled from the abuse she went through), helping my friends who need a listening friend and offer unbiased good advice.

How should I make myself stronger so that I can hear and see the pain other people feel and yet be there for them as a strong support system.

Second Guessing a Big Move

I have made decisions to leave my job, move to another state, build a home and my spouse is going to be with me.  We can’t turn back now but I feel fear and wonder if these decisions have been the right ones for us.  I’m not sure how to feel strong or safe or right.  I read your site and it states if it feels right do it and if not don’t.  What happens when it’s too late to ‘don’t?’

Leaving an abusive home

I am 27 year old girl and am living in constant fear and trauma since the last 27 years due to a short tempered and violent Father. Every night since my birth has been spent in fear. Happiness is an unknown territory.
I can’t leave my home because of the thought of my mother who has been his victim and has struggled a lot for me. What shall I do?