Pain on the Path

When one begins the path to Enlightenment, I’ve read it can be from either what we would call a painful or a wonderful experience.  My enlightenment began when I fell in love with a man whom I left my husband for.  I thought he was the love of my life.  After leaving my marriage of 13 years and hurting my beautiful 9 year old son, I found out he was nothing I desired.  I was soooooo incredibly blind and he had lied to me horrifically.  Alone one night after the midst of just beginning to find out his truth, I fell to my knees and asked God to forgive me for whatever I had done to deserve this. Then the most amazing thing happened, I heard a deep voice inside me say “stand up my child for you are loved”.  I realized then that God was nothing but love.  I grew up in a religious family and had been taught God punishes us.  I began to read your books and many others.  I have forgiven this man as I see him now as a child who is hurting himself deeply.  Though, he has been the greatest Teacher in my life and doesn’t even know this.  I love and care about him still as a friend.  I feel as if he is the reason I am now reaching out to find myself.  It has been almost 4 years since I left my marriage.  My now 12 year old son has begun to ask why I left his father.  I feel this deep pain inside of me often when I think about my son and how he must feel.  I’m scared to tell him I left his father for another man.  Should I tell him the truth?  I know he would still love me but I don’t know if he would understand and I don’t want to hurt him even more.  I am only beginning my path but why did it have to begin with so much pain and hurt others? Your insight would be much appreciated.

Pondering Plastic Surgery

Lately, out of my insecurities, I have been toying with the idea of doing plastic surgery for my nose.  Yet, at the same time, I am aware that  I want to develop my spiritual life (I have been practicing yoga for 11 years and I’ve been teaching it for the past three years) in more depth.  I am starting to meditate again.  However, being so self-conscious physically (especially as I age) and being drawn to the spiritual life are creating a lot of chaos in my mind as I don’t know what the drive for either is, although obviously the drive to meditate seems to make more sense to me.  Can you let me know what the yoga/ayurveda/ and your perspective is about the subject of changing one’s physical appearance?
Thank you so much for your help.

Blaming Satan

I happened to watch your debate on if Satan exists. I found it very interesting. Although I am a devoted Christian. I wanted to understand your stance of this. I think that u were trying to let people realize that when we are conditioned to believe in negativity as far as Satan, that it gives people the excuse to blame for the negativity instead of looking at ourselves and believing instead of taking responsibility for our own spirituality instead of trying to just believing that we can find spirituality in just one’s belief. If this is not correct I would really like to know your true meaning of this. I thought your debate was so interesting and I would really like to understand.

Words in meditation

I have been meditating regularly. This is a relatively new routine for me; within the last year. I often begin my routine meditation by listening to the Soul of healing meditations and continue with silent meditation afterward. I try follow this protocol once each day.

I have been able to reach the silent space and sit with no thoughts. I do find, however, that at that silent time a word or theme will present to me. This does not always happen, but does frequently enough for notation. Interestingly, the word of phrase will repeat in subsequent meditation sittings until I give it attention in my waking state. i.e. Look up its meaning etc.
I am Canadian and not of Indian descent, however the words given to me are often not specifically familiar to me, when I receive them.
I thought I would share some of these words in the order they were received. It is often  one word per sitting. It may also involve pictures or other more personal themes:

– Prana
– Gita
– Veda
– Sita
Just curious as to your thoughts on such happenings?
I have so many questions on this journey and often find it can be a lonely path to find others to share what is occurring through the changes and events with deep meditation.

Letting Go of Intention

I have been trying to manifest my desires and getting nowhere.   I have always believed in positive thinking and last year read the law of attraction and thought that took positive thinking a step further.   I can’t get it to work for me.   I have tried to keep my thoughts on what I am trying to manifest and not be discouraged because it is not happening.   Then I discovered your web site and now one of your books “The Book of Secrets” and you believe in ‘letting go’.   I just don’t get this.  I am trying to manifest my desires by keeping my intention clear and foremost in my mind.   If I let it go and give it up to the Universe, have I not just given up on my desires?   I can’t connect this to concepts in my mind and I don’t know how to let go.   Can you clarify this for me?